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Frequently Asked Questions


What happens if I fall asleep during a Bright Light Multimedia self-empowerment CD?


You have fallen asleep.  Hopefully it is a more relaxed sleep than usual, but you are still asleep.  Conscious awareness is required to experience the guided self-growth and communication with your Higher Consciousness (and to maximise the neuronal pathway and glial cell development in our brains).


Why is there a physical relaxation at the start of Making Decisions and Future Choices?


There is a deep relaxation at the start of most Bright Light Multimedia self-empowerment CDs.  Deep relaxation ensures our brain's thought waves relax from Beta, into Alpha and Theta vibrational patterns.  This allows us to access a far greater proportion of the brain.


Why is a blue light used in the relaxation?


Blue is known to be a deeply relaxing and healing colour.


What does the walk along a path at the end of the relaxation do?


The walk along the path is also a walk into our senses.   We internalise our senses and feel, see, smell and touch, therefore ensuring that our internal experiences are more ‘alive’ for us.   We also strengthen the synaptic connections within our brains when we add our senses and emotions to our inner experiences.


Why does my husband experience our visualisations in such a different way to me?


We all experience Life, and the experiences in it, from our own uniquely personal perspective.  Individual communication with our Higher Consciousness is exactly that - individual!  Viva la Difference!  We all have something unique and wonderful to learn, and to give.


What do I do when I’ve finished listening to a self empowerment CD?


After listening to any self-empowerment CD, it is a good idea to drink a glass of water to ground yourself back in your waking consciousness.  It is empowering to keep a journal and write a short review after time spent in your Place of Tranquillity or with your Higher Consciousness.  Writing down your immediate thoughts and memories further enriches your experiences.


How often do I have to listen to a Bright Light Multimedia self-empowerment CD?


You don't mention which particular CD, but as a general rule all Bright Light Multimedia self-empowerment CDs are increasingly beneficial when they are listened to on a daily basis (preferably twice a day).  Daily dedication is needed to create the life changing attitudes and experiences achievable with consistent contact with your Higher Consciousness.


How long do I have to listen to your CDs before they make miracles happen?


Any miracles arising from listening to Bright Light Multimedia self-empowerment CD come from your ability, and faith in your ability, to create miracles.

You may start to immediately feel beneficial results from all Bright Light Multimedia self-empowerment CDs.  However it must always be remembered that you are weening yourself out of a bad habit (negative self-image, shallow breathing, etc) into a positive habit.  Research has shown we all need 30 consecutive days of practise to replace old habits with new.  This means if you take a few days off, you have broken your 30 day cycle and need to start again.

Once the new habit has been formed, you will find that your neuronal pathway to this area of your development can be accessed without need of outside influences.  Bright Light Multimedia self-empowerment CDs then become a booster, to be taken as regularly as you feel necessary (once a week to once a month is recommended.)

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